
Flash Carpentry

sex21Aug19:00sex22:00Flash CarpentryWorkshop19:00 – 22:00(GMT+01:00) CraftsWoodwork

Event details

Flash Carpentry

21 de Agosto 2020
Sexta das 19h – 22h
Preço — 35€ (Material incluído)
Trainer - FICA Oficina Criativa


Flash Carpentry usually takes place once a month, according to our schedule. In these sessions you will learn about some of the basic techniques, hand tools, machines and work methodology inherent in carpentry. You will also build or sculpt a small-scale piece using the techniques covered.

Os Flash Workshops são formações onde te damos a conhecer algumas das técnicas que temos na oficina. A ideia é explicar-te como funcionam, de modo geral, os princípios, as ferramentas, utensílios, mas também a nossa metodologia de trabalho. Em suma, com estes workshops podes passar ao próximo passo, que seria fazeres uma oficina, ou para os mais ousados, jogares-te sozinho para o ginásio de ofícios e continuares a fazer aqui.

Programa Flash Marcenaria

Introduction to carpentry by making a piece
Types of wood / Hand and power tools / Planning a project / Construction and manufacturing
Use of workshop and equipment

Cancellation of Registration

Refunds or cancellations of paid registrations are only permitted if you notify us at least 7 days before the start of the workshop - Find out more at terms and conditions from the website.

No. of trainees

Minimum number: 4pax / Maximum number: 5pax

According to our terms, the training may be canceled if the minimum number of trainees is not met - Find out more at terms and conditions from the website.

Deconfinement plan (Covid-19)

Due to the current situation, wearing a mask will be compulsory in the workshop. In addition, at the entrance (and often inside the workshop) you should disinfect your hands with an alcohol-based solution, which will be available inside the workshop. In the workshop, respect social distancing in order to maintain a safe distance from other trainees of between 1.5 and 2 meters. Therefore, the seats to be occupied will be 1.5 - 2 meters apart.

See Notice of reopening.

Discounts and Partnerships

See Terms and conditions

If you don't speak Portuguese don't worry we will give the workshop in english.


(Sexta-feira) 19:00 – 22:00(GMT+01:00)


FICA - Creative Workshop

Rua de Arroios 154-B


Flash Workshop Marcenaria | Agosto

Sales ended